Read at Joe's

The rants and ramblings of a guy named Joe.

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Location: Texas

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Air America

Air America Radio celebrates its first anniversay. I think it started with 3 stations and is up to 51 now. I do not get it locally although it just added 3 Texas stations. I listen on Sirius Radio.
It is badly needed to counterbalance Right Wing hate radio. I think even conservatives can benefit from listening. America is in great need for a civilized discourse of topics. Facts are getting harder to find in the mainstream (re: corporate) media. So for a year of great listening thanks Al, Randi, Janeane, Mike, Sam, and others!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Schiavo Case

Since it seems the whole country seems to have something to say about this case I thought it was time to express my feelings.

My feelings? None of my business.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Social Security Info

The lies coming out of the White House on Social Security are amazing. The frustrating thing is how they go unchallenged by the press. Here's a web site with some good info. The following link is to a page called "How to talk to a conservative about Social Security."

Thursday, March 17, 2005

St. Patrick's Day

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


One of my favorite shows ended tonight, NYPD Blue. Andy comes full circle, now leads the 15th Precinct, but is still the same pain-in-the-ass good cop he's always been. I'm going to miss Andy and all on Tuesday nights.